Thursday, July 29, 2010
Back in Black-16x20
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Step by Step Demo-Back in Black
here ive added the lavender blues to the shade side of the boats and darkened the dark sailboat along with adding the white so i can set my value range. nothing can be darker than the boat on the bottom and nothing can be as light as the top of the cabin. now i compare every other shape to these that i ive got right, value wise.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Restructuring of Galleries
now that i've picked up two new galleries, one in Cape Cod and the other in Key West, i knew this day would come.
if youre in a gallery, they deserve your absolute best work and if you think you might not be able to give them your best (or enough of it), you might be in too many galleries. to remedy this you have to look dispassionately at which ones you might have to let go. many things factor into this decision and its never an easy one. in many cases you become friends with your dealers and nobody enjoys it when you "break up" LOL. the thing for both sides to remember is that its not personal, just business.
after much consideration ive had to make the unpleasant decision to leave Fountainside Gallery, my wilmington NC gallery. they have been wonderful to work with and i appreciate all they've done for me. i wish the owner denise (and Sandy and Linda) nothing but the best!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Lots of Studio Work This Week
contact me if you like this one
i'm on a bit of a studio kick right now. partly because the heat index is around 100 and partly because i tweaked my back kiteboarding the other day. then the next day it went totally out. brought me to my knees. any of you who have had that happen know exactly what i'm talking about. four days later i can walk ok but sitting is still uncomfortable and i can feel it want to seize up. better tho' than a few days ago.
this one was started and almost completed outside, and i repainted the water, the pears, flowers and table top this morning in the studio.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Reworking a Piece
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Comfy Chair-10x8
No Fish Tale
Liked the color and warm light in this portrait of a corner in a bedroom. Playing with getting the accuracy i want (in drawing and color) while keeping it loose and fun to look at.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Two Posts in One Day
Rhythms of Light-6x8
Another interior, this time from a popular wateringhole on the cape.
i'm having fun suggesting lots and lots of detail with just a brush stroke of paint. thats what makes interior paintings so cool to me. its a complexity/simplicity balance. ruthless editing is how i try my best (in paint) to write a sonnet and not a newspaper article. i want you to hear the clinking of glasses, low hum of talking, and sporadic laughter that gives a restaurant or bar interior its charm.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Interior Works "in the Works"
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Cape Memories
Monday, July 12, 2010
Whats Happening to Me?
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Its all over but the Cryin'
Monday, July 5, 2010
After Work Swim
Sunday, July 4, 2010
On a Roll Now
how do you like my laundry room studio? i'm staying with two wonderful friends and cape artists Suzanne Packer-McGarr and Dick McGarr, it was a little cloudy this morning so i set up my gear in their laundry room hallway for a few hours tweaking some of the ones i've done in the field the last few days.
if i can paint in a laundry room, i dont want to hear of any of you whining about not having any where to paint, right? if you want to paint nothing will stop you!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Plein Air Mobile
turned out that the guy lived in Winston Salem NC not far from where i live on the coast. he had rented the place for the week of the fourth.
today i painted in Provincetown, home of the longest continous art colony in the US. as i was painting an alley scene to the water, i struck up a conversation with another painter and found out that i recognized him from some blogs ive been reading for the last several years. seems i was painting about a block from his house and he saw me painting. his name is jerome greene. last year i met jennifer mcchristian in PTown sitting on a bench. the internet makes this a very very small world. google those two and check out their work. its awesome.
i used to get aggravated with people talking to me while i was painting but got over that this past winter when i realized that if i just went with the flow and didnt let it get to me that i met all kinds of interesting people.
suns been shining for about a week straight so still no tweaking of the field work. but when i fix em up i'll get em on here. there's a few i like alot. we'll see if i can keep from messing them up LOL
the opening of the show is this saturday at Elizabeth Rowley Gallery in Orleans, Mass. the receptions 5-7 pm. come by if youre in the neighborhood.