You better be a quick painter (on a good day) on a late winter afternoon. the sun is setting fast, and colors and shadows are changing by the minute. but this one caught me by surprise. i'm studying the values and temperatures of all the shapes..... i get a little down on the canvas, and BOOM! the sun goes behind a McMansion beach house and the whole scene goes into shadow. i have to do the rest strictly by memory. thats one of a thousand reasons why you should plein air paint some, if you want to get better quicker. you'll increase your painting concentration, editing powers, and memory!
I have brand new copies of my instructional DVD on painting plein air for sale here, and so far its getting rave reviews. this ones mostly done with a brush and knives, where my previous dvd was on painting with palette knives only. in this one i set up outside the skyscapers of raleigh (looking into town) and i discuss equipment, getting the scene down fast, and all the tips and tricks for knocking out a painting on the streets. you can email me and i'll send you one out for $24.99 and $8 s/h.
they're not even in the stores yet (or in the catalogue) and i'm tickled that theyre selling well.
also found out the other day that one of my mini lessons on palette knife painting on Jerrys Artarama Free Art Lessons is the fifth most watched art lesson on YouTube worldwide. thats too cool! makes the world a very small place! when's the money going to start rolling in? LOL
Nice painting of a beach, next time leave out the ugly sign.
great idea anonymous! maybe that's why it's not selling like i thought it would.
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