This is the original house that the lightkeepers family lived in, who ran the lighthouse on Bald Head Island. His name was Capt. Charlie Swann, and he was here from around 1900 to somewhere in the 30's. The area is affectionately called Capt Charlie's. The spot really reminds me of the dunes and architecture i saw on Cape Cod when i was up there painting a few months ago. i cant imagine someone (and their family) living on an island by themselves without the modern convenience of electricity, grocery or hardware store on the island, or weather radios. they would never know when a killer hurricane was bearing down on them. its wild to even consider how hardy these people must have been to do it for thirty years, over a 100 years ago.
in this painting i'm working with subtle color shifts on a cool overcast day. the kind with that silvery light. i especially like the fall beach grass up the hill and the sand path works composition-wise to take the eye up to the house from bottom to top.
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