
today was a weird day. i started driving around looking for something to paint at 10 am. By 3 pm i still hadnt found anything that caught my fancy. i went to the beach, nothing. drove to swansboro where i have never struck out. nothing. what?!!
all that time and all that driving and nothing to show for it.
and some people think all us painters do is paint all day. its not like everywhere you look there are great paintings. alot of my time is spent looking for them. cops dont like people driving around real slow looking at stuff. its suspicious looking! so i spend alot of time telling cops what i'm doing,too! havent figured out yet how to get paid for that :D
The Longest Pier- 6x8
the sign on this pier says its the longest pier on the east coast, and goes 1000 feet out into the water.
Dear Mike,
I really enjoyed your video, your energy and talent. I conduct drawing and painting workshops in Tuscany and just completed our 7th trip.
I'm changing the format for the fall of 2010 and want to have a diverse group of instructors who will enjoy an "Xchangzzzz!" of talent in addition to teaching.
If you're interested in teaching in Tuscany and can bring a few students, you will benefit from other instructors, the most stunning views (no need to troll around alarming the local police), the best food in the world and equivalent wines.
You could email me at pamela@artroads.net
I really like to talk to people and would be happy to call you if you're ineterested. Let me know!
Pamela Rhodes,
Director, ARTroads
415 206-0960
thanks pam!
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