Thursday, May 19, 2011

House on the Hill-6x8-SOLD

cant believe how good it feels to be painting all the time. i love doing dailies. they are so freeing. there's no pressure to make it a masterpiece, and it makes me paint, paint, paint which i know is the absolute best way to get better. as the fairy tale jack in the beanstalk illustrates, there are no "magic beans". its tons of painting followed by tons more.

the other benefit is that doing something almost daily is it helps you find things to paint in the ordinary world around you. take a mundane scene that catches your eye and make art out of it. finding interesting compositions, light keys, subject matter, etc. as close as the next town, or right down the road from your house. you dont have to go to awesome far flung locales like Provence or Italy, to find cool things to paint. it takes less and less time driving around looking for something to paint. thats almost as important as how you actually paint the thing.

1 comment:

Fay Terry said...

Amen to all that, Mike. I took Carol Marine's workshop in February and started doing dailies and it is the best thing I have ever done for my painting. In addition, I have "met" so many cool artist folks on line!