Thursday, July 21, 2011

Take Off-5x5-$150

$150 plus $10 s/h
to purchase with PayPal or credit card click the "buy now" button below

on this one i'm trying very hard to limit the amount of strokes i make. you'd think that wouldnt be that hard until you've tried it. most of us make three strokes when we should only make one. when you do so many tentative strokes instead of a sure and direct stroke, it gives the work an overworked and "niggled" appearance. dont know if thats really a word but i heard it in a workshop and loved it so i stole it.


Douglas Clark said...

Good job simplifying the shapes, colors and values.

Carol L. Adamec said...

As a painter who works the paint to death, I'm grateful for the reminder to put it down and leave it. It takes a lot of focus and brushwork skill to get the paint to become the object in front of you in just a few strokes. Nice job.