worked on a 16x20 today from yesterdays 5x7 so i thought i'd shoot some more shots as i work. i know i always love to see these step by step demo's on other painters blogs, so here we go
i put yellow ochre acrylic on the gessoed panel very thinly. then draw the shapes on with red/orange and liquin.
Remember-painting is a process of making each shape 'more right' in linear and logical steps.
on this large one i'm shooting for better edge treatment than i usually get when i work larger. dont seem to have that problem on smaller ones but when i do larger ones i make the edges too straight, too hard edged, and i lose that 'loose but accurate' look you hear me talk so much about. its that elusive quality, better yet, holy grail i search for on this painting journey of mine.
Another wonderful Demo. Thank you for taking the time to do that for us.
Too true about the edges! My illustration background always comes out to haunt me when I paint anything architectural: I make all the lines straight and square and perfect and that makes a dead dull painting :( Thanks for the demo, it's always great to see the steps, you make it look so easy!
Thanks Mike. This Demo is helpful. Your landscapes are just wonderful. Love your subtle, beautiful color selection
Very helpful Mike. Thanks. My problem is I can't seem to keep an even semi-neat palette, and I have to search for a place to mix. I need discipline I guess!
judith and christine- youre so welcome!
marla- gotta stay away from straight and boring. kills a painting doesnt it?
thanks page
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