Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lobster House Port Clyde Maine-6x6

another from that day painting in port clyde. this was the one i did around 3 in the afternoon. it was right down the street from my friends chris and scully's house. again.... thanks for letting me stay with you two!

i loved these little buildings on the many docks surrounding the shore in port clyde. did i tell y'all i was buying huge lobsters cooked for $6 a piece, and they had to be over a pound each! how can you stay in maine and not eat lobster whenever possible? that would be like going to italy and not eating ravioli.


Suzanne Roberts said...

Another great painting. Brings back memories on the dock painting.

mike rooney studios said...

thanks suzanne! loved painting in port clyde and painting monhegan is a must for me next year if i can swing it.
will ship your painting tomorrow (tuesday)you should have it soon.