Sold this off the easel to a nice couple on Summerland Key. I loved the way the aqua house lit up in the late afternoon sun flanked by palms, and a jeep in the carport. He gave me a t-shirt for his charter flats fishing business too. nice guy! you meet the coolest people doing this for a living. thanks for letting me do this, Jesus!
contact me for price and availability if you like this one
One from the far removed Geiger Key. found this place driving around getting stares from the locals. granted Bessie has seen her better days and i do look out of place around these expensive homes and boats but its unnerving to be spied by everybody with that "what the **)_()**& are you driving in circles round my neighborhood for?" look. just looking for something to paint officer, i swear. please dont lock me up.
but on the flip side i meet nice folks like michelle and rich, so i cant complain much can i?
Higgs Beach Tiki Hut-8x10
contact me for price and availability if you like this one
This is the popular beach just north of Southernmost Point. people swim, lay out, and standup paddleboard here. the tiki hut was lit up in the sun and demanded i pay attention to it LOL
contact me for price and availability if you like this one
i've tweaked this one again! took the distracting bicyclist out made the cars on the left bigger, lightened the shadow going left to right and made a more pleasing shape that points towards the background, took some of the yellow out of the curb and unified/simplified some of the tree masses. i'm really finished with this one. well no.... i heard its never finished till its hanging on someone's wall. then its finished!
Afternoon Rest-8x10
i've tweaked this one again! took the distracting bicyclist out made the cars on the left bigger, lightened the shadow going left to right and made a more pleasing shape that points towards the background, took some of the yellow out of the curb and unified/simplified some of the tree masses. i'm really finished with this one. well no.... i heard its never finished till its hanging on someone's wall. then its finished!
contact me for price and availability if you like this one
Love this scene from the Key West Cemetary. so peaceful with people strolling down the dirt paths and all you hear is the swishing of the palms overhead.
Man, you've been a busy guy.
Those "sparkle" deals are really cool-whatever you did to make them believable was right on the money IMO. Love the canal ones, too-wish I was sitting on one of them someplace but I'll settle for looking at your work...next best thing.
Mike..these are your best yet!!They are all beautiful!! I have enjoyed seeing the paintings from the Keys...please come back to NC soon and paint some in Raleigh..we miss you!!
Susan Burleson
steve- actually busy-wise,,, ive made a conscious decision to slow down and do more thoughtful stuff. the days of running around doing 4-6 paintings served its purpose for sure (got in the miles of canvas everybody says it takes to start doing nice work) and now its time to shift gears and take my time doing better stuff for a little more money.
glad you like the canal stuff and its a complement to say looking at my paintings of em is even close to being here. isnt it a great place?!
susan- thanks so much. have a workshop in raleigh on the 20th so my winter here in key west is almost thru i'm afraid. it was a blast and now that ive got a gallery selling my stuff here it'll be a yearly thing.
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