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thanks for the shots catherine!
Third and final day went great. it was a short demo in the morning where i showed a block-in and then the class painted on their own the rest of the day. some great paintings were done but i'm not interested in that and dont judge a workshops success on what is done, but on what is learned. everybody was whipped but happy at the end as they headed back home all over the state. special thanks to shawn at Woods Gallery for sponsoring the workshop and making everything easy for this old painter.
Sorry I missed it - looks like fun - (though I may have been amongst any no-color mutineers). Catch you another time.
christine- i just booked one in wilmington for the end of june. let me know if you want info on that one. three days, $300.
theyre glad they didnt mutiny. they learned soooo much in black and white. made color mixing easier!
I have a question. I have a painting disaster that can't be fixed but I would like to salvage the linen canvas. Can I just paint over the scraped canvas with white paint? There is dark paint that has dried on the canvas that didn't come off. Will this dark bleed through years later? What would you suggest?
pat- i'll tell you what i do.... sand the old oil paint down so the acrylic gessoe will have something to grab onto.
yes you can paint white oil paint over sanded down paint as well.
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