the gallery carries some of my fave cape school artists Giamarrino and Clayton. i think my brushwork will complement most of the other artists knife work (in the true cape school tradition)
i'm planning on making two trips up to paint in early july and middle of october. havent been to the cape in the summer before. i cant wait! its where everybody from key west goes when its too hot, so i'll be escaping the stifling NC heat too.
now on to questions asked on the comments section recently. if you'd like to ask a question i'd love to answer it in a post but only if you leave it in the comments section below. i cant answer individual emails.
Q: do you use a mother color in each of the light colors to get the light so consistent and mellow? i notice that your latest paintings all have that special quality of light. It can't be exactly what you are looking at at least not what I see when I view a scene
Also, I know you're trying the Charvin paint but do you still use Lucas?
A: i use Lukas on all but one color, Gamblin Radiant Turquoise.
i dont use a mother color but just try to compare them to the real thing and either go with what i see or paint a color that i think would look better, warmer, cooler, lighter, darker, more saturated, less saturated.
Q: Your Arendell Street painting is bathed in sunlight. How do you get this overall feel in the entire painting? The underpainting, color warmth or the high shadow contrasts?
A: you got em both right. super dark shadows and super light lights makes a scene look very sunny. then i underpaint the whole panel with warm undertone and let it show inbetween shapes when i'm overpainting. i can control how warm it stays by how much of it i cover up
sort of like this one. only this is not a real warm scene. i look at it and see that the warmest shape (and its small) is the green grass in front. its not a big part of the scene so i put down rose madder acrylic real thin(a wash) in the light shapes and darker in the shadow shapes (more out of the tube)
this will allow pink will peek out all over the painting setting the light effect and that flickering effect us cape school inspired painters love.
Ive got some DVD's available for $24.99 each and i'll ship em to you free. if youre interested in one let me know and i'll give you a choice of five different titles from boat painting to architecture.
The Tuscany workshop is a go. it'll be the last week of september and first week of october. ten days of instruction. classes are before lunch with several classes from drawing to painting to photography, and youre free to do your thing the rest of the day. contact me if youre interested. its filling up quite quickly.
I bought all of your instructional DVD's and was wondering if the techniques you use would still apply to acrylic painting .Would I still get the same effects with the layering even though the acrylics dry faster and prevents the blending that you get with oils ? I love your style and you make it look so easy.Any tips on converting your lessons with oils to acrylics ? Thanks,Debbie..Portland ,Oregon
I second that question Mike! Due to time restraints and working plein air a lot on my lunch break, I work in acrylic a lot too.
Being a working artist, what do you do when you have a week of rain or cloudy weather? Do you work from photos? Or do you have several paintings in the works and you use cloudy rainy days to 'tweek' them?
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