Monday, August 1, 2011

On the Canals-8x8-SOLD

one from near where i live. this one sold to a collector in norwalk, conn.

Morning Anchorage-16x20

contact me if you'd like to purchase- $790 nicely framed in gold, $850 in really really nice dark frame with gold fillet and small details on the corners

from a recent excursion "crawling" around on the waterfront in sneads ferry. was in the 100's doing this one and i had to put paper towels around the headband of my hat to keep the sweat from dripping into the paint. thats too hot for 10 am when this was done a few days in a row. Crawling is the plein air method of driving and walking very slowly past an area a dozen times looking for just the right scene to strike your painting fancy. normally it looks very suscpicious to the locals in a neighborhood but they know me down here and i dont get the stink eye any more. they know i'm a painter and not a cat burglar.

Leaving for the cape in a few days, with my first stop in Rhode Island. theres room left in the one day Paint Camp i'm doing in Portsmouth R.I. this friday. i supply all the materials and you leave at the end of the day with two completed paintings. class is geared for beginner to intermediate painters. contact me if youre interested.


Marla said...

I love this one, it's beautiful.

LOL the cat burglar - a possible second career for you :)

Anne Winthrop Cordin said...

Just met you yesterday at Paint Camp while I was gallery sitting at the Portsmouth Arts Guild. Your students loved you, listening to you teach simple methods and techniques-they DID all leave with 2 wonderful paintings! Love your blog, will add you to my links, I'd love it if you shared my blog link too.

mike rooney studios said...

maria- i hear stealing cats (cat burglar) is very lucrative LOL
thanks for the nice words about the painting

anne- thank you anne! thats nice of you to say. i enjoy taking the mystery out of the painting process and showing that its a series of steps that if followed will result in something they can be happy with.