Sunday, November 30, 2008
Couldnt resist the tan chocolate milk color and i think putting that in contrast to the purple setting made for a nice color combo.
Blast From the Past
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day Thoughts
Thought i'd jump online and post this recent floral still life before i start cooking the turkey.
My favorite way to eat turkey is to cover it in mustard and cayenne spice and deepfry it. thats my recipe for buffalo wings too!
Todays a day to be thankful for what we all have and not think about the small things that want to ruin our stoke for life. i wish i could do this everyday, without effort, but its hard isnt it? thinking of things like, how will whats happening in todays world affect me in the months ahead, etc etc etc. When youre thankful for what you DO have at the moment its hard to think of the future (and its uncertainties) at the same time.
So think of what you have, and not what you dont. make yourself happy for at least that amount of time. plenty of time for worry tomorrow right? i'm very thankful for my family and the fact that i can paint for a living. Thank you Jesus!
Now, go have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the day off!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New 8x10
Had fun with this verrrry difficult bowl. it has a weird amber hue to it and the scallops along the top are a real challenge. i feel like i did just ok with it all. when i get this bowl down,there wont be any glass that i wont be able to paint! Isnt that what challenging yourself is all about? i used to practice playing pool with a pool stick stuck in the pocket (to make it smaller) that way when i was playing for money the pocket seemed huge (without the stick in it)
same thing with this bowl. hope you like this one, if not the glass maybe the peppers.
i want to take this opportunity to thank alice and mary for helping me correct some photographing issues. y'all are the best.... thanks!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Scream for Ice Cream-9x12- $45
Been working on a big commission painting and i'll post some step-by-step shots and text on the WIP (work in progress) so you can see how i go about it.
I will sell several paintings during my Holiday Sale to clear out the studio of sketches and studies that i do in preparation for larger paintings. the smaller pc's give me a good gauge of whether i want to pursue the idea larger and/or what i want to change if i do.
these will make excellent gifts at a good bargain for your art loving friends and family. all without breaking the bank. you may even see something you cant live without too.
this particular piece is acrylic and harkens back to the day when i painted in acrylic before switching to oils.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Day Off? Whats That?
heres what i ended up with.
i was balancing this setup with my favorite blue vase and accidently broke it. i caught this red one before it hit the floor. now the red ones my favorite, LOL. im having a ball painting glass here lately. you'll be seeing lots of it coming up.
Available- $29 plus $5 shipping
Tag-- I'm It!
so here it is...
Takin' a Break- 8x10 oil on gessoboard
so onto the game of bloggin' tag--
Here are the rules:
1. Put a link in your posting to the person who tagged you.
2. List 7 unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 other bloggers at the end of your post and comment on their blogs to let them know.
Seven quirky things about me: (couldnt think of anything interesting- it hurt my head LOL)
1. i despise going to weddings and funerals or anywhere else i have to "dress up". i even show up delivering work to fancy galleries in painted up clothes. i will put on a VERY casual shirt and jeans for VERY special occasions. 99% of the time i'm in baggies (surf shorts), tee shirt and flip flops.
2. i absolutely love two things in this world--- Red Bull and the Soprano's! Living large would be drinking Red Bull WHILE i'm watching the Soprano's. i have to watch the A&E network Soprano's because of all the bad language and other stuff so i cant order the boxed set. My question is why cant there be "cleaned up" movies, shows etc, if we can send men to the moon and space ships to mars?
3. i dont wear a watch and one of my pet peeves is making plans. plans for later in the week box you in and keep you from painting when and where you want to because you have to "Be Somewhere" at a certain time or place. it drives people around me crazy. it all started when i wouldnt make plans because there might be some surf or some wind ( i kiteboard, surf and stand-up paddle surf) then when i started painting fulltime it sounded better if i blamed it on that.. LOL
4. my studio is a two bedroom trailer at the beach. it just happens to have a bed, microwave, TV in it. The WHOLE trailer is the studio. the kitchen table is a still life area because its near a great window, my easel, homemade taboret, and dozens of drying paintings (and ones in different stages of completion) take up the whole living room. the walls of my living room/studio are filled with my fledgling art collection, pcs ive been collecting over the years (some-daily paintings of friends i met blogging), one bedroom holds more painting storage and frames and the other bedroom holds packing materials for shipping paintings. OH yeah and somewhere for me to sleep.
5. i love painting plein air and would do it out there 100% of the time if i could. its exciting out there, and painting in the studio is kinda boring to me. but when its cold or rainy i have to.
6. i absolutely love the marketing part of the painting business. i like meeting new people and love when i have an exhibition opening for my stuff! i used to street preach long long time ago and i guess thats where i got over my fear of speaking in public. kinda of ham in fact.
7. besides art i like to collect carved beach birds. love the primitive style from the old days where they used to be used as decoys and they used nails for the beak. the hunters kept shooting the beaks off the carved ones. thus the introduction of nails which lasted longer. i have some really intricately carved ones and a few 'slick' ones but i mostly like em raw and primitive looking.
my seven "tagee's" are
1. Jeff Mahorney- very cool guy, great painter and loves sarbach, and mcpherson, also a homie from NC. own one of his little gems
2.Robin Cheers- texan and i'm proud to say i own one of her little gems too
3.John Harrell- check out his rainy street scenes. gonna get one of those!
4.Cathleen Rehfeld- just found her. nice and loose!
5.Ray Logan- another of my newfound faves. cool brushstroke and color sense
6.Eric Merrill- love his stylistic landscapes
7.Aaron Lifferth- love his glass and fruit and ceramic stuff
go check out these talented folks. theyre working hard posting everyday (or almost everyday) and are an asset to this blogosphere we live in!
well now that youre sufficiently sleepy from all this ( it wasnt my idea--blame Frank) go take a nap! Todays sunday and that sounds like a great idea.
see y'all tomorrow with more bloggin foolishness!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Plein Air Painting Book Now Available
Some of the other artists include well known plein air painters including: Cathy Martin, Rick McClure, Dan Nelson, Dee Beard Dean, Lori Putnam, L. Diane Johnson, Nicole Kennedy, Kim Maselli, Kevin Beck, Brenda Behr, Judy Crane, John and Dodi Groesser, Patricia Pittman, and more. i'm very humbled to have been included with this who's who of plein air painters we all know and love.
In the book each artist writes about their painting process and how they pick subject matter, how they lay out their palette, how they got started painting outdoors, and more, so its a good read whether your a seasoned painter or just a collector who wants to know more about the process of painting a painting. i cant wait to start reading my copy to see how these folks go about the business of creating a work of art. you will not be dissapointed!
another of my pages. wish the photos were better. the reproductions are incredibly accurate and are exactly like the paintings i did.
the book is available on right now, and will be in Barnes and Noble, quite a few other big national bookstores, and also the Our State and NC Public Television Store in a few weeks.
if you'd like to order one from me for the same price-- $29.99 i'll ship it to you for $8. if you want i'll write a note on the inside cover and sign it special for you,,,,, just to get you to buy it from me instead of them! that and four dollars will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks LOL
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Cold Outside Today
it was brutally cold outside today and we had snow showers yesterday. very odd for NC at this time of year so i stayed inside and painted both days.
i think this is a camellia i plucked off a tree today and painted it in a cool (tiny) vase. hope you like it as much as i liked being in the warmth!
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Bunch for Sale!
Glass Jar--SOLD
Above Key Lime Pie Shop (Key West)-SOLD
In a Pinch (Deux) --SOLD

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Getting Fatter by the Day
Love popping out these little junk food paintings. get to eat em when they're done.
As they peacefully lay there, i think they are enjoying their celebrity while i paint them. but they get nervous as i near the end and put the last strokes of light paints on, knowing they'll be eaten any moment!
talk about your "15 minutes of fame" cliche Andy Warhol coined.
can you tell i'm spending too much time giving human qualities to inanimate objects? I'm not crazy REALLY! LOL
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Stop!-- You're Killing Me!
Painting doesnt need to be a long and drawn out process. you can block in, as i did on this one, in less than 20 minutes and with a little more time tweaking of the shapes, make them closer to reality, until youre satisfied with it. i tend to not fuss over the canvas and that keeps it very abbreviated. this is starting to be the hallmark of my smaller painting style. for better or worse.
the more i work on them the less passionate they look so i stop a little BEFORE i think i'm finished. try it a time or two and see if you dont like doing it this way too!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Moon Rise
Saw the moon rising over this little slice of eastern nc landscape and had to jump out and paint it. in this fall season, the sun sets faster than in the summer. so where i used to have an hour and a half to two hours in the summer to paint a late afternoon scene, now its less than an hour. the upside is that the light is better and the air is crisp and doesnt have all the atmosphere of summer. things in the distance appear closer than they do in the summer. the light seems more orange in the light and blue in the shadows.
i love painting at this time of year. come to think of it.... i just love to paint!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Saturday Fun
Painting can be an obsession. wow i was going to take the day off and almost got all the way thru the day without painting, and at the last minute had to do a little something.
i guess when your job is your way to have fun, what could be better?
This is one is from my junk food series. so far all the others have sold so i look forward to painting (and eating) more junk food!
I still have a few of my $12 instructional DVD's on how to paint a painting using palette knives. it wont play on a dvd player that will burn another dvd, but most players dont, so its all good. contact me by email if you'd like one.
Also scheduled two one day workshop dates in January. i'll be teaching the whole day in raleigh and one in morehead city on color. we'll talk about how to mix, how to lighten without adding white (chalk dust) and how to darken colors without adding black or earth colors.
contact me if you're interested in reserving a spot in either class.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Two of Three Done Today
WOW 8x10 is a huge canvas after working for the last several weeks on my 6x6 and 6x8's.
i saw this old rod and loved the name of the shop. kept rattleing it around in my head while i was painting and kept thinking how it sounded like the buzzword of the week--Obama. i know... i'm losing it!
in this one i loved the old car seat sitting behind the hot rod in front of the showroom window.
the next one was the Rialto Theater in the Five Points area of Raleigh. best known for the frequent showings it has of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. never seen it.
sold 20 of these little blog paintings in one whack today to a customer crazy about the little still lifes, landscapes and quirky stuff i paint and post on here. gotta go back on here and mark em all sold. yeeehaaaa!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A Taste of Eastern NC
Planning on doing a series of iconic eastern north carolina scenes. sorta like "postcards from NC"
here's the first, a neat little church on the corner of a small down east town. loved the white and orange front of the church in contrast to the cool bluebird blue sky.
my favorite part is the handrail and its shadow on the front of the building. how can i fall in love with about 1/4 inch of a painting? i dont know how, but i do.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Outdoor Stilllife
i took this amber bowl i bought at a thriftstore outside in the sunlite and tried to capture the shimmering yellow reflections. wish you could see all the subtle, pure color mixes.
nothing beats painting outside, nothing!
it sold very quickly so i bought three more glass bowls and i'm looking forward to setting them in the sun and painting them too.
Monday, November 3, 2008
MHC Weekend Workshop Over
the weekend workshop was a full house with 9 eager painters learning how to quickly and simply block-in a painting outside. we learned about color temperature and how important it is in painting landscapes. we all had a ball and most got where they could paint the scene in 2 hours or less.
today i was hired by a school to teach art classes my techniques and the kids were stoked to find out that they could paint the most difficult subjects in 5 values. the teacher wants me back in a month or so to do another one day workshop with the kids. on top of that the teachers at the school bought 7 of my daily paintings i took and laid out on the table for the kids to look at. this is a great job!