Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Overcast at Middle Creek-6x8-SOLD

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Intercoastal Tree Shadows-12x16-$225
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sound Investment- SOLD
Friday, October 23, 2009
Gessoe Rack
Thursday, October 22, 2009
View from S. Front St.-6x8-$50
I made a neat little adjustable painting rack yesterday. i took 1x2's and made a shelf system with pegboard and dowels. now i can keep my paintings all in one shelving unit, and its totally adjustable by sliding the dowels out of the pegboard and moving them. got the idea off the internet. took about 2 hours to make but well worth it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Orange Ride-6x6

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Old Homestead-9x12

i recently read an article online where they hooked a machine to peoples head and could tell where they were looking when they were shown a picture of something. seems alot of what we learned you HAD to do in compositions was wrong. the people didnt follow around a certain way from this to that in a flowing manner. they looked in order of prominence from the greatest value change, sharpest lines, and most saturated color. it didnt even matter if a figure was looking off the page. these people's eye didnt go off the page but instead went to the next sharpest line, value change and brightest color. this article has changed the way i think about "flow". my take on this is that most of these composition books were written in the early nineteen hundreds (or earlier) before "moving pictures",TV and videos and that we've learned to look at things in a little bit different way? jumping from most interesting to next most interesting instead of linearly. just my guess. it has liberated me tho' i'll say!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Flowing White-7x5-SOLD
Paintings Going to Woods Gallery on Bald Head
to purchase contact me or Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island
to purchase contact me or Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island
to purchase contact me or Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island
Paintings Headed to Woods Gallery
to purchase contact me or Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island
to purchase contact me or Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island
Atmospheric Morning on Bald Head Island-8x10
to purchase contact me or Woods Gallery on Bald Head Island
These four are from my recent trip to Bald Head Island where for the first time i got to wake up there several mornings in a row. this really gets your head into the place and i think this is some of my best stuff done on island. i'm heading back there in a week for another week of painting.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Yellow Pepper-SOLD
Orange Pepper-6x8
Todays demo. i started painting everything as five different values of purple and then blotted it off so it wouldnt mix with what i put over it. see the purple remnant up in the far right top corner. you can faintly see other purple spots in the light green part of the table top. the purple and green are so close in value that i can leave parts of the purple unpainted and it doesnt shout "paint over me, PLEASE!" Thats how you know you have the values similar when you can hardly tell the difference between whats down and what you put over top of it.
then i mixed the real color and applied making sure that it matched the purple value i assigned each shape.
lastly, i showed the class how to put in the highlite on the pepper, blur the appropriate edges, and put a few finishing touches on it.
this is what i ended up with. done in less than 45 minutes.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Conch Point Boat-5x7-SOLD
Monday, October 12, 2009
BW's Surf Shop-6x8-SOLD

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Ride Times Two-6x6-SOLD
to purchase click on the "buy now" button to pay using PayPal or credit card
Just felt like doing some figures today since i've been on traveling/landscape painting tear for a while now. Took a bunch of photos yesterday on the Ocracoke to Cedar Island ferry. Got to hang out with Doug Hoover this week on ocracoke. he's the guy i got the idea for the ferry riders from. thanks doug!
Get this one before it dries and gets sent to the gallery!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Afternoon on the James-SOLD
Friday, October 9, 2009
Clouds Over the River-4x5-SOLD
$350 framed
at Down Creek Gallery- Ocracoke
email me if you want me to get you up with them
i started contemplating all the places i've seen sunsets from this year and thanked God for letting me do what i really love to do, where i love to do it. i've stayed and painted on islands from cape cod to key west this year, and feel exceedingly blessed. i've met some of the finest folks on the planet.
thanks to everybody who's ever bought one of my paintings, taken one of my workshops, let me stay at their house, or showed me all the cool places to paint (and eat, and have fun) on their island. i hope God blesses you for your kindness to me, and that He allows me to keep doing what i love, where i love to do it (on an island)
hope it shows in every brushstroke i make.