High bid for Lavender Afternoon is now $32 from Anne in emerald isle. to see the painting and read more about how to outbid her go a few posts down.
email me with a bid higher than $32 and it could be yours.
auction is over this monday morning at 8 am
here's a few i did and dropped off at Vision Gallery in atlantic beach today. the clouds were magnificent this morning and i'm really enjoying painting them now that i feel more confident doing them.
i did a bunch of cloud studies in paint but ive mostly been just studying them by looking. how can we paint what we dont understand? by noticing their form first and then their colors you get a sense of the thing. like getting to know who your girlfriend/wife/husband/boyfriend is. when you first met them you had to study everything about them. then the nuances make themselves known. but that cant be rushed can it? it takes time with the person, seeing them in different situations, finding out their preferences etc. all this shows you who the person is. then you can accurately and confidently describe that person.
same with getting to know what you are painting.... you must be intimate with things to truly describe them either in words, or in pigment.
if you want to paint boats, study boats, dont paint them at first. go over every inch of them with your eyes and your minds eye. dont paint them till you know the way the bow turns back toward the water as it nears the front and how it cools and lightens when in the shadow because its reflecting the water either in shadow or in light and that shape will either be warm or cool. and that one side is usually warm and the other side cool.
little nuances like this are what separate people who paint boats and people who know boats from tons of observation (and happen to paint them) . another good argument for painting from life.
they havent invented a camera that can take a picture of the above bow phenomena. only your peepers can differentiate to that degree and see that subtlety. enought jabbering...heres todays offerings from morehead city and radio island. hope you like em!

View from Morehead Waterfront-12x16 SOLD

Snug Harbor- 8x10