did this on what turned out to be a gorgeous day at the beach. this is for a customer in wilmington as a gift for a friend who lives on topsail. changed up a bit on the underpainting, from magenta to orange. it gives this piece a more afternoon look than if warm pink was peeking out. then it looks like morning.
tomorrow i film the first of two instructional dvd's for Jerrys Artarama. they'll sell in the catalogue, stores and internet. this ones on painting with a knife and the second one will be filmed outside on location in wrightsville beach while i'm teaching on plein air painting at the beach. as soon as productions done and theyre available i'll put info on here about where to get them, how much, etc. just because you get the dvd dont stop coming to my workshops.... baby needs a new pair of shoes LOL......
todays not the giveaway day for the painting but keep an eye out, its real close! to enter when i say its giveaway day, send me an email with free painting in the subject line and in the email give me your mailing address. if i pick your name you win a free painting and i'll even ship it to ya! what could be better than that? i know, put a hundred dollar bill in the box with the painting. keep wishin'!
I can tell the difference in underpaintings. I've been playing with it a bit, too. I can identify with the sun/cloud struggle (OBX is ideal for changing atmospheres. You seem SO very busy - hope you are enjoying the painting part. Your works are changing a bit, haven't quite decied how except for the obvious tool changes. I will study a bit more and get back. Hope to see you in May when you are out my way, B
i have to stay so busy to pay the bills. good thing i love what i'm doing. hardly seems like work at all. one day when i'm selling half as much for twice as much i'll be able to rest a bit LOL
see you when i'm out your way soon
i'm going to start publicizing my own workshops starting this summer so i'll let you know when i'm around
take care barb
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