worked some more on this one by lightening the sky and red building, putting some darks into the trees and making the dirt around the grassy areas less orangey-red. lightened the roofs and cooled down the pavement. funny how letting a painting sit five months before finishing it changes your perception. i knew when i kept looking at it before i left for florida for the winter that it needed something....just didnt know what. threw it up on the easel today and it was like...duh! and i made the above changes without any capitulation. now i'm happy with it and its gallery bound.
note- you can search in the top left of the blogpage and type in "waterfront shimmer" if you wanna see the old version.
Nice revision, cooling down the entire painting. Thanks for sharing.
Cover of the Jerry's summer catalog! Good for you, very cool.
thanks carol
didn't know that Maggie, thanks
thanks carol
didn't know that Maggie, thanks
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