here's my wheels taken while painting in Hyannis Mass. on the cape. found a sweet little dead end road on the bike and asked for permission to paint at a place with the greatest view of the inlet. the ferry to and from the islands (nantucket and martha's vineyard) goes thru there and its filled with sailboats and fishing boats. very scenic.
turned out that the guy lived in Winston Salem NC not far from where i live on the coast. he had rented the place for the week of the fourth.
today i painted in Provincetown, home of the longest continous art colony in the US. as i was painting an alley scene to the water, i struck up a conversation with another painter and found out that i recognized him from some blogs ive been reading for the last several years. seems i was painting about a block from his house and he saw me painting. his name is jerome greene. last year i met jennifer mcchristian in PTown sitting on a bench. the internet makes this a very very small world. google those two and check out their work. its awesome.
i used to get aggravated with people talking to me while i was painting but got over that this past winter when i realized that if i just went with the flow and didnt let it get to me that i met all kinds of interesting people.
suns been shining for about a week straight so still no tweaking of the field work. but when i fix em up i'll get em on here. there's a few i like alot. we'll see if i can keep from messing them up LOL
the opening of the show is this saturday at Elizabeth Rowley Gallery in Orleans, Mass. the receptions 5-7 pm. come by if youre in the neighborhood.
Mike, it's great to see you on your bike ready to "work it". You're an inspiration, brother. Good luck with the show and I look forward to talking "shop" again with you soon.
Mike, are they familiar with board shorts in that part of the country? :)
Even if they are connected to nothing, you can cut down on interruptions in the field if you have earphones stuck in your ears-get a pair at the dollar store or somewhere, run the wire down the front of your shirt, and paint away. Lots of folks will pass you by because, while they don't mind making you stop painting to talk, they somehow don't want to make it a 2-step process by making you stop, then remove the earphones, than talk to them.
Have fun and good luck.
i dont read blogs but i enjoy reading yours. man, i wish i were there painting too!
Mike- Thanks for your posts - I always enjoy them. I love how portable your set-up looks. Are you using the same easel you talk about in your DVD - the one you said you love? I am still searching for the perfect field easel. Good luck with your show.
doug- we'll have to get together for some buffalo shrimp in ocracoke soon. have about half the show paintings done and still have four days (if it doesnt rain any) to paint LOL Gotta love putting wet paintings on the wall the night of the opening!
steve- even tho' its way up north they still surf and kiteboard up here but i dont anybody wears em yearound up here like i do :D
melanie- thanks. glad you enjoy my ramblings!
christine- i have a homemade paintbox that fits on a tripod and will fit in the backpack if it has to. had a smaller version of it on the dvd's i think.
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