Twilite Moon 6x6 oil on canvasboard
I'm doing my blog sales a little bit different starting tonite.
i'll post ALL 6x6's and 6x8's for $49 plus $5 shipping and handling here (on the blog) a week before posting them on EBay. the starting price on EBay will be $49 plus $11 shipping and handling.
i'm doing this so my blogwatching friends and collectors can get it first and cheapest! need to be the first to contact me to get it tho'. its first come, first served!
if a painting does not sell after a week on the blog i'll move it over to EBay where, in most cases, (when it sells) it can sell for higher than the $49.00 starting bid amount.
so if you see something you want on the blog, it'll be cheaper to buy it here (and the shipping will be $6.00 cheaper here) than to go to EBay.
what i'm doing is passing on the savings of not having to pay EBay and PayPal fees to you guys that are buying off my blog. we'll see how this works out for awhile and make changes as needed. feel free to click "comments" if you want to leave some feedback on this new change.
thanks y'all!