just loved how this house looked at the edge of the field in the late afternoon sun. so iconic eastern north carolina. it needed a little something so i used my artistic license and added a little winding path to lead your eye up to it from the large green shape....er grassy field. did it work?
Very nice painterly style. You seem to have a fine grasp of the human figure too. God bless and keep up the good work
thanks gary. still working on the figure.
like your work too. keep slinging that paint.
Hi Mike.....I particularly like this little painting...great value contrasts and brushwork! Thanks so much for the tip about the flat brushes........you're a very "giving" artist and I appreciate that SO much. Keep up the good work.....
sandy- thanks for the nice words. i love to share the joy of painting with painters and non-painters alike. try the flats, theyre very versatile. and to think i only thought you could paint with a filbert and THATS IT. shows that youve got to be open to alternatives. happened when the art store i buy the filberts from was out. so i tried a flat and now i'm hooked on em. thats whats so great about painting. you always discover something new everytime i do one.
Mike, you have a beautiful spirit and it shows through in your painting visions and in what you have to say. Thanks for tip on the flat brushes -- I'm off to buy some. Love your work!
thanks for saying that. i absolutely love what i do and to be able to do it for a living is such a blessing.
i am absolutely flats now both large and small. no more filberts for me. you'll love em to. they are super versatile and a few of them can take the place of twice the amount of others.they make a nice thin line like a liner, cover tons of real estate when you need em to and are great for large and small paintings.
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