Starting to pack for my painting journey to Cape Cod. leave monday. i've never been, so i'm really looking forward to painting some new landscape. it rejuvenates me. can only paint marshes and local marina's so long before you get burnt out (in my case about 6 months)
Traveling keeps me stoked and keeps the work improving.
if you know some good painting spots on the cape leave me some comments on this post. if i use your suggestion i'll give you first dibs on the painting.
A few years ago we took a trip to New England and spent several days on Cape Cod. We stayed in Hyannis in a quaint hotel right across from the ferry station. It was very convenient since we took a day trip to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. I remember how beautiful the scenery was all up and down the Cape. We drove from Provincetown to Falmouth. The area is beautiful! We even managed to find our way on the beach in front of the Kennedy compound -rather exciting for me. The coastal towns are full of picturesque scenes. I can't wait to see your paintings that come from this trip. Have a wonderful time and I will stay posted to your blog with great anticipation!
Susan Burleson
susan- thanks for the great tips. hope to get some cool paintings from up there. something different for me than the beach here and raleighwood. i had a local painter up there offer to take me to martha's vineyard so i'm stoked.
i'll blog the whole time like i did when i was in key west.
thanks for the info and remind me to give you first dibs if you see anything i do while i'm up there that you like.
Check out Provincetown Art Association and Museum. Go to their site , click on education, then Sept./Oct. workshops. Hensche students teaching now are Mary Giammarino (represented by Elizabeth Rowley Gallery in Orleans Ma.) John Clayton ( rep. by Egeli Gallery in Provincetown) and Rob Longley (rep. by Wolhfarth Gallery) I don't know about Hilda Neily but her gallery is on 398 Commercial St. in Ptown.
Have fun... learn alot
eleanor- thanks for the info on the "holy land" LOL
i'll check out the artists you listed. hope to paint up a storm
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