Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A Few in the Wetbox
went out yesterday and ive gotta say that first one was tuff! But the second painting this morning went easier, and by the "golden hour" painting in the afternoon, i was hitting my stride. this morning i purposely did some boats and water where i feel really comfortable. then this afternoon i did water and some architecture which is harder but helps me "ratchet" it up even more.
gotta tweak em and take photos but i'll get em up here as soon as some cloudy weather keeps me from being out in the field painting as hard as possible. the show i'm painting for will be around ten days from now. gotta quit reminding myself how little time there is for such a big task. like the nike ad says "just do it!"
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Heading off to the Cape to paint
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wave of the Future
Every plein air painter in eastern north carolina knows (or has heard of) Bernie Rosage Jr. He started the OOPS painting group in jacksonville and is a great organizer and promoter of all things plein air and paint. bernie was selling on EBay before anybody around here. he understands the internet, marketing and all things techy!
He was so nice to make this video and send it to me. its so good that i want to use it as a sort of "video business card". i can see this thing being the norm as a biz card but on the internet. its like a cool little short movie. alot of you reading this who have taken one on my classes are probably in it somewhere.
its too cool! check it out!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wilmington NC workshop

as i always do with a brand new group i'm teaching i cover the basics of painting.... that means at least a day and half painting in several tints of a neutral dark color. Values, values values, he cried! i'm sure they were tired of it after awhile but they trusted me and didnt complain. then today we mixed colors using just cad yellow, cad red, ultra. blue and white. folks are amazed that you can mix just about any color imaginable with just those three colors and white.
if youve ever taken a class with me you know that the pace is slightly rushed so that you dont have time to overanalize (yes i know what i just typed!) pretty funny for this late at night on day two eh?
tomorrow we brave the 95 plus degrees heat to put all this into practice and paint plein air at the Arboretum.
i promise the story about where we're onstage holding class soon. until then please sit by your computer expectantly and i will be right back :)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
On the Outskirts-12x16
Seaside Dwelling-9x12
another knifed cottage. this one from atlantic beach. i think they said the temperature was about 100 degrees. i was in the shade of a big bush and was still sweating like i was standing in a house on fire.
i have a workshop in wilmington nc starting this monday. if youre interested there's a spot or two left. let me know. you can take one, two or all three days.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
On the Edge(of the E. Coast)-9x12
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Waters Edge-8x6
Here's the troopers bearing 100 degree heat to paint plein air. thats dedication.
just another day painting in heat that was more like august than the middle of june. but fun was had by all and everybody got the concept of underpainting in the cape cod school technique.
Want to paint in Tuscany Italy ten days this fall? Contact me and i can give you the scoop on my plein air workshop in Poppi just outside Florence. We'll cover the finer points of painting outside landscapes in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I only have a few spots left so let me know before its too late.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Waterfront Reflections-9x12
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Tree Fort-8x10-SOLD
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Knifed Cottages
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Inner Banks Beauty II
Monday, June 7, 2010
Values Values Values!
so here we go.
an answer from the comments section: asking does it matter that i didnt make the distinction between the water being darker on the left and lighter on the right. here's my answer: