Today was day two of a three day workshop in wilmington sponsored by barabara bear jamison. i know you probably think "geez, that guy says that about every one he does" but its true. this was one of the best groups of fun loving, happy, eager to learn paint slingers ive had the pleasure to instruct. We've ate food, and hors d'oevres (did i spell that right- hey before doing these workshops i thought vienna sausages were hors d'oevres LOL) hung out, talked about painting till all hours and just generally had a ball. i made lots of new friends. i've got the best gig in the world! thanks barbara and gang!
as i always do with a brand new group i'm teaching i cover the basics of painting.... that means at least a day and half painting in several tints of a neutral dark color. Values, values values, he cried! i'm sure they were tired of it after awhile but they trusted me and didnt complain. then today we mixed colors using just cad yellow, cad red, ultra. blue and white. folks are amazed that you can mix just about any color imaginable with just those three colors and white.
if youve ever taken a class with me you know that the pace is slightly rushed so that you dont have time to overanalize (yes i know what i just typed!) pretty funny for this late at night on day two eh?
tomorrow we brave the 95 plus degrees heat to put all this into practice and paint plein air at the Arboretum.
i promise the story about where we're onstage holding class soon. until then please sit by your computer expectantly and i will be right back :)
as i always do with a brand new group i'm teaching i cover the basics of painting.... that means at least a day and half painting in several tints of a neutral dark color. Values, values values, he cried! i'm sure they were tired of it after awhile but they trusted me and didnt complain. then today we mixed colors using just cad yellow, cad red, ultra. blue and white. folks are amazed that you can mix just about any color imaginable with just those three colors and white.
if youve ever taken a class with me you know that the pace is slightly rushed so that you dont have time to overanalize (yes i know what i just typed!) pretty funny for this late at night on day two eh?
tomorrow we brave the 95 plus degrees heat to put all this into practice and paint plein air at the Arboretum.
i promise the story about where we're onstage holding class soon. until then please sit by your computer expectantly and i will be right back :)
Very cool Mike! Looks like an inspiring place to work!
robin- it is one of the oldest theaters in the country. it was neat painting still life's onstage while the heat blazed outside!
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