Thursday, January 17, 2008

Self-guided Tour- 6x8- oil on c.b.

SOLD- Paris France. too cool!

Blondie checks out a painting where the frame matches her hair. the process was much like i do a plein air landscape. acrylic underpainting and then adjust those shapes with oil.

when you lay in the acrylic use warm colors (yellows, red, blues and pinks) for the shapes hit by the gallery lighting and cool colors (green, blues, violets, purples) on the shadow shapes.

if you look closely you'll see little hints of this in the frame. these warm up the midtone areas. you dont have to paint up to every edge. these midtones in acrylic are small so you cant tell the difference between them and the oil paint. if you leave large areas of acrylic you'll see flat spots in the painting.

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