i'm getting plans together for my annual key west trip and cant wait to get down there and start painting. this year i want to work my way slowly back up painting small coastal scenes as i go. will paint in charleston and savannah too. i think if i like a place i'll stay there and paint, and when its rainy/cloudy drive towards home. this'll get me max painting time. my plan is to still post everyday and i'll be selling the "Florida Trip" series as i go to pay the hotel bills along the way. that'll be cool! so stay tuned....
i'm teaching a workshop at Studio 123 in raleigh Feb 17-19 so if you'd like to sign up please email me for the details. you can do one day, two, or all three.
also have a Color 101 class in atlantic beach/morehead city, nc, on saturday feb. 21st and a Painting 101 workshop in nags head, nc, february 23rd thru 27th. again you can take as few as one or two days or all of them.
I'm down here in the Keys now Mike and so far, you haven't missed a daggone thing...been cold with howling wind all week. Don't know when you're coming but I hope you have better weather.
I like the trailers. A nice abstract. "pohocker" is right... ya gotta go further south than the Keys to be sure of warm weather! But there should be great material for your paintings.
Not only the abstract features but the color give it movement.
planning on going in about a month to paint two weeks. it'll be nice and toasty by then i'm sure. have a good time while youre there!
donald- cant wait to go paint some tropical color and palms
pat- thanks for noticeing that little trick of moving and repeating the colors to move you on down the line.
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